Sunday, October 28, 2012

Figuring out the key of a song : Part II

Sometimes there is no minor chord in there.

eg. E G A

Sounds good but has no minor chord. Just notice that E is three half steps away from G which is two half steps away from A

Notice how it conveniently overlaps with the E minor pentatonic scale? The best way to figure this out is to simply notice the 3 tone / 2 tone difference.

If this is the case go crazy with the (in this case) the E minor / G major petatonics / G major scale.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moving from chord to chord

I love jumping between the major/minor ( depending on key ) and 7s, sus2s and sus4s of A , D , C , G , E chords.

There is another technique called walk-up that I did not know of:

Sounds really good if done properly. Basically instead of moving between the shapes of high strings (as in 7s sus2s and sus4s ) you move between the shapes on the low (bass) strings. Good stuff. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Royal guitar chords

E and A are the kings of guitar chords. Great for bar chords starting on 6th and 5th string.

Here is the shapes that anyone who plays guitar should be familiar and comfortable with.

E      : 022100
Em   : 022000
E7    : 020100
Em7 : 020000

A      : 002220
Am   : 002210
A7    : 002020
Am7 : 002010

Keep playing, keep having fun, keep getting awesomer. Till next time. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Relationship of Chords / Scales

Just a revision :

The relationship between notes: 
The major scale is king. It goes like this :
root tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone root

Numbered as :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1


Being a guitarist you want to think of it as distance between the various numbers. Try not to. Focus on the note indices. Being a guitarist you can focus on the note numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 instead of c d e f g a b.
Just remember the names on the first two strings though. Or have an idea of the note names on the first two strings and you are good to go.


Common chord progressions : 

1 major chord goes well with major 4 , major chord of 5 and minor chord of 6

Learn where these are if your one is on the 6th string (bar chord on 6th) or on the 5th string (bar chord on 5th). Covers about a 90% of the songs :)

If you start on 6th string:
4th = same chord moved to string 5,
5th = same chord move to string 5 two frets down
6th = minor chord three frets up on string 6

If you start on 5th string:
5th = same chord moved to string 6
4th = same chord moved to string 6 two frets up
6th = minor chord moved to string 6 two frets down

Details? Lookup Diatonic harmonies. And here is a very simple explanation:

A major scale in key x is equal to a minor scale in 6th of key of x.

For C sixth = A.
Therefore Cmaj = Aminor